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Home ] Orientation ] ECU vs NCSU ] Halloween 1999 ] Talent Show 1999 ] Christmas Party ] Formal 2000 ]

Halloween 1999
Talent Show 1999
Christmas Party
Formal 2000



Orientation—a week of getting to know our school, classmates, and other med students and staff
Halloween—on the town and at Dr. McNeil’s annual Halloween bash.
Football Game—ECU vs. NC State (arch rivals in football)
Medical Student Talent Show—Raising funds for the Hurricane victims of Eastern North Carolina
Christmas Party—after first semester finals, at Ken’s house
Formal Dance & Dinner 2000- In honor of the graduating class of 2000

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Click to enlarge class photo with anatomy professors. Jan 2000.  Now, you can get T-shirts, Mousepads, and Mugs with the class photo picture and our website at my online store.

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Last modified: July 04, 2000